Thread: Ejection
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Old Fri Apr 09, 2004, 09:38pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally posted by DG
JR - "question what I do all day", we are talking about 2 comments. Only 2. Then you dream up a hypothetical situation involving 4 assistants coming at you, which has nothing to do with what we are talking about. I am not going to ignore the assistant(s) no matter what they say, but in this case, you know, the one we are discussing, where only 2 relative benign comments have been made. Come on now, "can you dust off the rubber", or, "bad call" are just not comments that are going to tick me off. Tick me off and I assure you will get dumped, but these two comments will not tick me off. Call me a name and I will be as fast as Matt Dillon on the draw. I can see it now. I send in my report and I list the reasons I tossed a guy as 1) he said "can you dust off the rubber" and 2) he said "bad call". By the way, when did it become "your" game (ie "run my game")? You act as if coaches and players are there for your entertainment.

You made the claim that assitants were invisible, I did not say that. Then you said you would just ignore them. All I said, is how are you going to ignore assistants when in many cases there is more than one. It is not uncommon to have a close play and to be bombarded by 2 or 3 coaches. That is not a hypothetical, that has happen. It happen to me this week as a matter of fact. And if you think that is a minor point, I just want you to argue with 3 coaches and tell me how you will handle it. And I do work at many schools where 4 assistants is not completely out of the question. Sometimes the HC is not even on the field at all. The other comments just fueled the fire. But I know I am not dusting off any rubber and I am only going to tolerate so much lip from an assistant. Maybe that in itself was not an ejection, but it sure would be addressed and quickly at that.

To add to this, then you are going to allow a coach to continue a conversation that has already ended?

For me this is not about what level you do or do not do. But if you allow that kind of behavior, the other coach is going to lose respect for you, your partner might lose respect for you and your game just has every signs of going in the crapper. Because the next disputed call is going to get a even bigger response from a player, coach and possibly it will not be you that takes the heat. It might be your partner on a call he makes and takes the heat. And if you did that we would definitely have a talk after the game.

If you allow that, a spark might turn into an inferno.

Just one man's opinion, you have every right to do what you do in your games.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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