JR - "question what I do all day", we are talking about 2 comments. Only 2. Then you dream up a hypothetical situation involving 4 assistants coming at you, which has nothing to do with what we are talking about. I am not going to ignore the assistant(s) no matter what they say, but in this case, you know, the one we are discussing, where only 2 relative benign comments have been made. Come on now, "can you dust off the rubber", or, "bad call" are just not comments that are going to tick me off. Tick me off and I assure you will get dumped, but these two comments will not tick me off. Call me a name and I will be as fast as Matt Dillon on the draw. I can see it now. I send in my report and I list the reasons I tossed a guy as 1) he said "can you dust off the rubber" and 2) he said "bad call". By the way, when did it become "your" game (ie "run my game")? You act as if coaches and players are there for your entertainment.
Tim - I don't know what trendy means, and I am definitely not sensitive. Sensitive is when you dump guys for something simple.
JM- what am I going to learn one day? I ain't going to take no crap from nobody, but really "can you dust off the rubber" and "bad call". Get real.
I have only tossed two guys recently. The first was a coach who ran from 3b box to near 2b where I was to argue a call. I turned around after making the call and he was in my face. GONE. The other was a pitcher who said to me after a play he tried to make at 3b, you are "f--ing kidding", GONE. Both of these were instantaneous. But "can you dust off the rubber" and "bad call" just ain't going to do it for me.
For excessive arguing over minor points, I would throw you all out. GONE.