Originally posted by SMEngmann
I appreciate the feedback, but my role on the team is notI agree with the argument that umpires should hear only one voice, but I also don't think that umpires should treat anyone associated with the game with any measure of disrespect when a reasonable question is asked. Same goes in basketball. If a basketball coach asks a question in a reasonable manner and doesn't show me up, I will let him speak.
Speaking to an umpire/official with one voice is not being disrespectful in any way. Our job is hard enough to then be questioned by an individual that did not attend the pregame meeting (where this might be addressed). It is not our job to make everyone happy. I am not going to allow a player to step out of line, you are not that much different. We already allow head coaches to question us from time to time, which if we choose to is prohibited by the rules, but to allow an Asst. Coach to do the same, after the Head coach made his point? You must be sick if you think that should be allowed.
Originally posted by SMEngmann
This conversation occurred between innings, and when the umpire told me that he heard enough about the call, I ceased to argue, although in my opinion, it wasn't handled professionally.
Even more of a reason to get tossed. You should not even be having a conversation with an umpire when the game is in between innings.
Originally posted by SMEngmann
Due to the way the manner was handled, I asked that the umpire refrain from calling me by my first name, again, a seemingly reasonable request unrelated to the play.
I agree that calling you by your first name is not a good thing. But I think adults allow this way too much in the first place, and allow many kids to call them by their first name. I agree that umpires as players and coaches should be more formal, but this is another discussion all together.
Originally posted by SMEngmann
To get tossed for that, in my opinion, is absurd. It is not the equivalent of an assistant coach in basketball rising to question a decision, that would be if the "assistant" charged onto the field from the dugout and started a face to face argument.
You need to go and read the rulebook in both baseball and basketball. It is technically against the rules to question an umpire or official when they are making decisions. Now of course we allow some questions to be asked, but not from an Asst. Coach. At least not the many umpires and officials that have extensive experience that I know. And most experienced coaches will not allow their Asst. Coach to even question an official or umpire.
Originally posted by SMEngmann
I am a sports official, I don't show up umpires or treat them disrespectfully as I have been on the other side many times. However, I respect your opinions and will take them into account.
Well you do not have to show up and umpire to be ejected. But then again, that is the reason we are having this discussion. I for one am not expecting you to accept everything I say, but if you understand that many feel that way, you might think twice when you confront an umpire. And being a official does not give you a pass either. I usually expect more from fellow officials and expect them to know things that non-officials that coach do not. But then again, you rolled the dice and the umpire made sure you crapped out. Maybe the next guy will not make an issue, but this one did. And that is all that matters.