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Old Thu Apr 08, 2004, 12:14pm
wadeintothem wadeintothem is offline
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Was watching a game last night and new ump behind the plate (solo) who honestly IMO did not put in the proper time studying the rules... and the whole game the coaches were telling her various calls to make... was a terrible called game outside of strikes and balls, which the ump was a varsity pitcher, so she had that part down pat.

Anyway, batter up and gets scared of a strike, puts her hand across the plate and gets hit. Ump gives her the base and the coach tells her the batter shouldnt have put her hands up, it is a ball. Ump brings the batter back and calls a BALL!

A few innings later a batter gets hit with a bad pitch; the batter had tried to evade, and put her hands up to protect herself, and the ump calls a ball and wont give her the base.

I didn't get involved in any of the calls of course, and the coaches went pretty easy on her IMO, since the ump was so unknowlegable, they could have beat her to get her to reverse the call... and just "allowed" the call to stand for the sake of getting on with the game.

Anyway, aside from just passing this on.. I'm just making sure: a batter can put their hands up to evade a ball out of the strike zone (protect themselves) correct? I'm making sure I'm not missing an accepted intent of a rule (re using hands to protect self) as "quoted (insisted on)" by the coach. Had I been umping I would not have allowed the coaches to call the game, and would have called a dead ball - strike on the first instance... and dead ball - award the base on the second instance.

[Edited by wadeintothem on Apr 8th, 2004 at 01:17 PM]
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