Originally posted by TPS2859
Ya, I can!
Untill one wears the strips, he/she has no clue what it is like to make a split secound call on what we SEE. How many times does the t.v. have to play it back in sssssllllowwwwww mmmoottttiiiooooonnnnn to see if the ref got the call right? Or I like the one "two secounds on the clock, that call should not have been made". WHAT, why should the clock affect when we should or should not blow the whistle!
Its so easy to be an arm chair coach, and now an arm chair ref.
To me, if one wants to ***** about the country you HAVE to vote. Sooo, if you want to ***** about the ref's, GET YOUR STRIPS and give it a try!
Well, I suggest you start by spelling things correctly. It does give more credibility to your content.
But I think Dan or Dexter, both of whom have a great deal of writing experience, ought to have a go at a cogent, snappy rebuttal. We could all sign it, and send it to USAToday as a group.