Thread: What do you do?
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Old Wed Apr 07, 2004, 09:07am
WestMichBlue WestMichBlue is offline
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"I guess the point is that over the last couple of years I've come to identify a few fellow blues who pick and choose the rules they want to enforce."

At this point this isn't a rule your partner is ignoring. The reason umpires keep track of lineup changes is to prevent a coach from violating the rules. It's called Preventative Umpiring when you tell a coach, "No, you can't make that change." Your partner is guilty of poor preventative umpiring.

What might be interesting is what he would do if the Defensive Coach appealed for a call on an illegal substitute. Would he refuse to make the call? That would sure create a hullabaloo! Would he call the out and kick the girl out of the game? Then, rightfully so he could expect to hear from the Offensive Coach, " How in *!&# can you allow an illegal sub into the game and then turn around and kick her out!"

You might run the above scenario across your partner in the parking lot and see how he chooses to react.

Finally, you are capable of preventative umpiring from the BU post. You can call time and inform your partner and the O Coach that the change is illegal.

Might be a chance for education for both partner and coach has have a history of violating the CR rule. Tell the Coach the rule, and the penalty if the D Coach appeals. I assume the coach is probably on the field so you make sure at least one defensive player hears you.

Obviously you are showing up your partner here. Only do this after all other efforts to get the situation corrected have failed. However, your primary responsibility is to the game, not your partner.

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