Thread: 7.07 vs. 6.08c
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Old Thu Feb 15, 2001, 12:32am
Warren Willson Warren Willson is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 561

Originally posted by Jim Porter
I'll be dinkie-di with ya, Mate - - ridgy-didge - - fair dinkum!
Even in Aussie slang, china, this is a tautology! (grin)


I want to visit the Lucky Country some day, Warren. There's something about Oz that makes me deadcert (or at least it has a fairgo,) that I'll be there bushwalking some lovely arvo. I love to walkabout.

I trust you can get me mates rates. You wouldn't by any chance have a sleepout, would ya? I'm no germ or grumblebum. I'm just a Joe Blow looking to rubberneck somewhere in the woop woop and eat nothing but bush tucker. That would be bonza! (I'll be the boofhead calling out, "cooee!")
I'd have to check with the cheese, but I'd reckon she'd be apples, mate, if yer on the Tassie about blowin' in. And if yer do trundle around the scrub whooping "Cooeee" it'd be the same as tatooin' "Tourist" on yer bum! What's more, if you've a mind to nosh on bush tucker, you're gamer than Ned Kelly, sunshine! One look at a flamin' witchety is quits for me! (grin)


Of course, while I'm there, I'll have to drop a bluey, have a couple of Britney's with my cobber, Warren, and we can have a mag (the way I drink, it'll be a Jolly Green Giant!) I'll be perving the lush shielas. Hopefully, I'll get to pash on a few of them.
So, yer've a taste for the long necks and the tarts, eh? Just so's it don't getcha into trouble - like it would if the shiela ya was pervin' on was me own youngun! Givin' her a pash would buy you the farm at Kurnell! (grin)


By the way, that face fungus makes you look like a wrinklie. Just joshin'!

Wadda ya mean, "look like"? Call a spade a spade and a shovel a shovel, I always say. You can spin a yarn all ya like as long as yer don't turn out to be a nigger in the wood pile! I'd say you'd be sweet, though. Give me a howl on the dog before you come, so's I can load up the Esky with long necks for you, stubbies for me and whack a coupla snags on the barbie! (grin)


[CAUTION: the use of the term "nigger" here applies to the Australian Red Back or Jockey spider, similar to your American Black Widow spider, which frequently inhabits wood piles. This is definitely NOT a reference black Afro-Americans or even to black Australian Aborigines.]
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