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Old Sun Apr 04, 2004, 10:39pm
WestMichBlue WestMichBlue is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: West Michigan
Posts: 964
I think that you applied the wrong rule. 8.6.10 is interference on a defender attempting to field a batted ball, or attempting to throw.

I would use 8.6.13 "The runner does not legally slide and causes illegal contact with a fielder in the immediate act of making a play on her. Penalty: Runner is called out.

End of discussion. She did not stay on her feet and crash into the defender, so malicious contact is out. No ejection. She attempted to avoid the fielder and caused illegal contact. Out, but no call for USC. There is nothing in Bench & Field Conduct to suggest USC. Closest might be "behavior in any manner not in accordance with the spirit of fair play," but I think that is a stretch. I wasn't there, but from here it just looks like the girl used wrong judgment in her attempt to get by the catcher.


BTW - for those that do not know - there is no physical difference between ejection and restriction to the bench. In both cases the player spends the rest of the game in the dugout. In MI, as I assume is in other states, ejection is cause for further penalties (loss of play for the balance of the day - including DH or tournaments - and lost of next day of play).
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