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Old Wed Mar 31, 2004, 10:29pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by Mark Dexter
Originally posted by Nevadaref

There is also a HS rule which says exactly this. If I can find it in the book later, I'll edit this post to include it. I'm pretty sure that there is a similar provision in the NCAA rules.
It's in the casebook - 7.2.1, and this explains quite a bit of odd looks I've gotten over the years.

My question is - how much of a "delay" is allowed between B1 slapping the ball and it going OOB? What if B1 slaps, it goes off of A1's thigh and OOB. Or if A1 is holding, B1 slaps, the ball grazes A1's hand and then goes OOB?
As I read the rule it only applies to hitting the ball out of someone's hands. If the ball hits another body part after that, then this interp of who caused the ball to go OOB no longer applies.
I also thought that there was something which specifically said something akin to, "Even if the ball is actually last touched by A1's hands." I'll keep looking for that wording.
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