Of course I had it last night at the same field where I had two ejections last year for runners plowing over the catcher. In this play R2 and base hit to short right. F9 comes up quick with a throw home to retire R2. Catcher is positioned over the plate to take the throw that is about 6' up 3rd base line. He runs directly up the line to make the catch. As soon as he reaches the spot he makes the catch and turns to tag R2 who is starting his slide. I call the runner out and the coach goes nuts. "He blocked the plate. He can't block the plate. Where's my guy supposed to go? Does he have to run around him?"
It was clear cut to me because he was out by so many feet. Had the C have ran up the line and waited to make the catch I would have had obstruction but in this case he went directly to the ball and made the catch and tag at the same time. Had he caught the ball in the grass he still could have tagged him in plenty of time. The coach was probably just pissed because he shouldn't have sent the runner.
I'm sure I'll have the same thing at the same place in the next week or so. He'll go nuts again I'm sure.