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Old Tue Mar 30, 2004, 04:11pm
StarStar StarStar is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1
At a high school game this season one of the teams brought its wrong set of jerseys (light instead of dark), so the home team played in its dark jerseys instead.

The visiting coach wrote all the players' names in the scorebooks with their uniform numbers. EVERY ONE of these numbers was wrong- they had the style of uniforms with odd numbers for dark jerseys, even number for light.

The officials on the scene assessed ONE technical foul for this scorebook violation, on the head coach.

My recollection from my high school days - because I saw it happen once then, too - is when this happens, a technical foul is supposed to be assessed for EACH PLAYER IN THE SCOREBOOK wearing an incorrect number. That is, if you start the game with 12 incorrect numbers in the scorebook, you start the game with the other team shooting 24 free throws.

Has this rule been changed? Can you tell me what section of the rule book applies?
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