As I said, Mike, that association I am talking about above, I no longer work for. My current association (a 40 mile drive but well worth it) works SP and FP for several cities in the North Dallas area. It is a great group, concerned about their umpires and the players they serve. They have many avenues for umpires to persue in both the SP and FP game, including various levels of play. I do admire your passion for the SP game, as well as for those who officiate it. As I also stated, I would never say never where officiating SP is concerned, it is just that with the growth of FP in these parts, and my enjoyment of that game, I find myself working more than I really ought to now!
Thanks for the encouraging words, though, and for sharing your thoughts at such length above. I am sure that many of us can learn from them.
It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.