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Old Tue Mar 30, 2004, 12:48pm
azbigdawg azbigdawg is offline
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Talking offense..Im not interested in where ya been or who ya are.., and Im AWARE that its the prescribed mechanic, (or else I wouldnt have taught it at the clinc.)My point is that its NOT the ideal mechanic...thats all..even though we may see the play.. WE WILL catch a little flak about being out of position, and its not that it didnt work in our clinic... we just realized that they could have done a better job. Why should it be any different than the FP "C" position? (Which I dont like either). I guess I could just hope that sanity will reign and we will have 3man mechanics for all games... not

[Edited by azbigdawg on Mar 30th, 2004 at 12:00 PM]
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