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Old Tue Mar 30, 2004, 10:56am
scottk_61 scottk_61 is offline
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Originally posted by azbigdawg
Scott... Im always ready..and the level of the game and the position of the players dictate how deep you are.....and I know its gonna take more work from SP only umpires... Those of us that do both know how to handle it....Im just telling you that its not the ideal position
Careful there ASBIGSAWG, you are going to bite yourself.
I am not a SP only umpire but I do a lot of slow pitch ball along with modified and fast pitch.
I have worked this from both the B and C slot with National Staff umpires in trial runs and working form the C slot is not a good thing.
If you put on paper the number of plays at either 1st or 2nd, and then put on the number at 3rd from either hits or steals you will realize that far more of your effort is needed in the B slot.
There is no real need for a runner to steal 3rd after he gets to 2nd as he is already in scoring position. Granted it does happen but as the teams get used to working with stealing, the steal to 3rd is relatively rare.
I am not saying it won't happen but it is far less than one quickly imagines. The teams learn this and adjust.
Get on your wheels and you can get that play on that occasional steal to 3rd.
I am 43 with a bad ankle, 6'5" 280 lbs and I can get it with no problems. I have never been blocked out or too far behind the play.
Maybe the problem for you guys is that you are trying to stay too close to the base line when you move in.
Try getting an angle from the pitchers plate area, it will work.
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