Originally posted by azbigdawg
Mike, I gotta disagree with you...We tried it several times in a clinic and found out that being that far behind the play DOES NOT work. Too many chances to miss something Ideally HP has the best angle. But we know that they wont give him that call.
I'm afraid I must equally disagree with you. Been there, done that (even with two bad knees) and, not only does it work, but it is the prescribed ASA mechanic (ASA Rule Book-Umpire Manual, pages 247-249). Don't know why it didn't work in your clinic.
The PU is lucky to have a two-dimensional view of a play at 3rd and you cannot bank on that.
The priority of the PU is track the ball, make the call and get the hell out of the way, sometimes all at the same time. You cannot base a standard mechanic on something as unpredictable as the bounce of a ball.