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Old Tue Mar 30, 2004, 10:33am
scottk_61 scottk_61 is offline
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Originally posted by azbigdawg
Mike, I gotta disagree with you...We tried it several times in a clinic and found out that being that far behind the play DOES NOT work. Too many chances to miss something Ideally HP has the best angle. But we know that they wont give him that call.
If you can't get that steal to third while working out of the B position, you are doing something wrong. Which is probably being too deep or simply not being ready.
The addition of stealing to the slow pitch game requires a bit more hustle than we had to do before.
Additionally, most of your plays are going to be at 1st or 2nd in todays game. Why would you want to start having to make a lot of long distance calls to first base from the C position.
Try that and get ready for a barrage of whining that makes the presidential campaign look like a poetry reading.
Like Mike says, get in line behind second and come inside for the call. This will give you the angle to be in position.

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