3.9 seconds
Here are my 2nd guesses - without having been there, admittedely:
You know its a "do or die" game, and its evident Texas is going to lose - obviously Texas' Coach is going to be upset. With that knowledge couldn't you T him once, walk away shoot the throws and finish the 3.9. Instead it looked like he stayed for a conversation that looked reasonable and ended up tossing the coach.
Lastly, if I remember from the Referee Mag article; I thought Mr. Valentine stated that he thought it best that the same official shouldn't T and Run a Coach. If he steps away, and Barnes continues - then his partner takes care of business and this discussion would be unnecessary. I don't see the benefit of T'ing and hanging around waiting for an apology, or a hug, or anything positive to come from a frustrated coach. Just my thoughts.
With all that being said, Barnes may have said, "You're going to have to toss me you___________!!! Fill in your own mean words.
Big time refs, make Big time
calls in Big time situations!!!