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Old Sun Mar 28, 2004, 08:57pm
MichaelVA2000 MichaelVA2000 is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 858
I start out by:

Introducing my partner and myself.

Advise the coaches to go to the umpire that made the call if they have questions about a play.

I check the lineup from the home team coach, ask if there are any changes befor making it official. I repeat this task for the visiting coach.

Inquire about any time limits.

For FED games I ask both coaches if their players are legally and properly equiped.

I cover sportsmanship, jewelry, whether or not their district has adopted any mercy rule, and whether or not they use the ITB in case of a tie game at the end of 7 innings.

I then have the home team coach give the ground rules.

If there are no questions I let the home team know they can take the field.
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