Originally posted by SamFanboy
Hey, I'm just a fanboy and have no experience with basketball rules. I've never read an official rulebook, so I am not qualified to make any opinions about calls. I was just wondering if Rick Barnes did have a valid arguement about the refs not calling the outside and inside consistently. I would like your honest opinion about how this area of the game was called and not anything about the T's. Thank you and your input is appreciated.
The issue is did contact on either the perimeter or in the paint affect the play of the game? If it did not, it is not a foul, that simple. I personally did not see the entire game, but the officials on the floor have the best look at any play. If they wanted us to call the game from the TV or on the sidelines in a fixed position, then that is what we would do. So if Barnes had a beef, it is not like he had a better angle than the officials the were calling the game. Barnes could have seen things he thought should have been called, but that does not mean it would be the right thing to do. The official on the court have extensive experience and extensive big game experience. They did not just get there by not knowing the rules and what their responsiblity is. And Valentine by himself has been to more Final Fours than Barnes has in his career. So I will always defer to the experience of the officials over a coach that does not study the rulebook and have the same scrutiny to those rules and judgment as the officials do.