Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
Originally posted by Skahtboi
And I walked away from the SP I was doing, because it was so boring that I would rather watch grass grow. Of course, as I have mentioned, around here they play beer ball, so as the night wears on the games get sloppier and the whining becomes more frequent. I might feel different about it if they would outlaw the intoxicants until after play was over.
And as I tell the umpires who work in my area, if you allow that to happen, you have no one to blame, but yourself.
Incorrect! This is the decision of the "powers that be" that run the privately owned complex. For years the UA that umpires for this complex have asked the owners to keep the intoxicants out of the dugouts, and for that matter, out of the park during game time. The owners steadfastly refuse. The local PARD that contracts with them for slow pitch leagues seem unwilling to buck the owners on this particular rule as well. Game control is never an issue. You get drunk, speak your mind, and you are gone. No big deal. As for tossing players simply because they may have had a few too many, we are strictly told not to do that, until they become verbally abusive to other players or to officials. However, the varying levels of play diminish as the overall team level of intoxication increases. That, plus the continual aggrivation from drunk wanna be Ty Cobbs, is why so many able officials walk away from the SP game in this area.
How can you possibly be so crass, then, as to place the blame on the officials?
[Edited by Skahtboi on Mar 28th, 2004 at 11:26 AM]