I had an interesting infield fly in my game this afternoon. It was a high school "C" game, so we played by Federation rules of course.
Here's what happened: Top of the 7th, bases loaded, one out: Infield Fly Rule in effect. A fly ball is hit almost straight up, I lose it because of a net above the plate, look to my partner who starts pointing up for the infield fly. I point up and look at the fielders who start congregating about 30 feet from home plate along the 3rd base line. I'm watching this thing, just waiting for one of them to catch it so I can call my out. Nobody catches it, it hits the ground fair. I yell "Batter's Out! Infield Fly!" The ball bounces and lands in foul territory before it's picked up by a fielder. Nobody but the offensive team's coach complains about the call, who says that because it wasn't touched until it was in foul territory that it was a foul ball and the batter is not out because it wasn't fair.
My partner and I decided that it was an infield fly, the rule didn't say it had to be caught fair, it just had to be *able* to be caught fair by an infielder, so the out would stand.
My question is this: Was that the right call? I couldn't find anything in the rule book stating anything more on infield flies that what I've said, and there wasn't anything in the casebook pertaining to this situation.
-Sir Eldren
Washington State