I brought this topic up last night after my game with my partners and here's some interesting questions that we threw around:
1. Rule 6 states that a pitchers glove may not be multi-colored. How many is multi...2, 3, 4? But, in Rule 1, the book states that a pitcher's glove must be uniform in color. I interpret "uni" as 1, "bi" as 2, and "multi" as more than 2.
2. Rule 6 never refers to the mulit-colored glove as an illigal mit...rather only a infraction by the pitcher that must be corrected before the next pitch. Rule 2 outlines an illegal mit only by measurements and an illegal mit warrants the 3-base award.
The way I interpret this is that if the pitcher pitches with a "multi"-colored glove, it simply must be removed before the next pitch. If this "multi"-colored glove is used in a play, the glove meets the specifications outlined in Rule 1 and therefore is not an illegal mit. I like TxUmp's statement that when he fields the ball, he is no longer a pitcher, but rather a fielder. So, If I was the umpire working this game, I would let the play stand, and have the pitcher remove the glove (if I believed that it may indeed be distracting to the batter). I think the rulebook is written vaguely enough that an umpire can justify his ruling with the "multi-colored" statement by saying, "hey coach, the pitching rule states that he can't have a multi-colored glove, multi to me means many, not just two."
According to Webster:
Multi - many: multiple: many times over