Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
Originally posted by edhern
If I remember the New York State Interpreter at this year's interpretation, he said that there is no penalty for having the pitcher use a glove that he is not allowed to use, just remove it. I know he said that if the glove was different shades of the same color (i.e., brown and tan) he would not remove the glove unless he felt it was distracting. He would consider it the same color.
Ed H
Just one man's opinion. It may carry weight in NY, but that's about it.
I asked our assignor about this and a few other Pitcher related questions for Fed. He said this about the balk rule and the glove question:
"However, it is a rule and rules were written for us to enforce. Hopefully, the deal with the glove will be addressed before we start passing out three-base awards. If I let him pitch with it, I surely am not going to penalize him for using it when a bullett is headed toward his person. That's my two cents on that play."
I agree with his assessment though a bit contradictive. One is saying to enforce all of the balk rules as written and the other is if you let him wear the glove don't penalize him when he makes a play.
The key is catching the glove before the first pitch. It's hard to catch a balk before it happens. Pregame it with "If we see a balk, we call a balk and the P cannot wear a multicolored glove."