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Old Thu Mar 25, 2004, 04:44pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally posted by greymule
We were told that the answer to Question #60 on this year's test is "True." If so, I'm confused.

60. The pitcher attempts a quick return before the batter is ready. No pitch should be declared by the umpire?

I don't know why they put a question mark after a statement, but they did.

Section 7. Quick pitch. The pitcher shall not attempt a quick return of the ball before the batter has taken a position in the batter's box or when the batter is off balance as a result of a pitch.

Effect—Sections 1-7:
A. Any infraction of Sections 1-7 is an illegal pitch.
B. The umpire shall give a delayed dead ball signal and verbally state "illegal pitch".

Section 9 deals with "no pitch," which is a dead ball with all subsequent action on the pitch cancelled. Nowhere in Section 9 do I see anything about pitching before the batter is ready. Section 9 does deal with pitching before a runner has returned to his base after being legally off it.
This should have been listed as a FP ONLY question.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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