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Old Wed Mar 24, 2004, 03:31pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Given that the umpires declared the glove to be illegal, they made the correct ruling, as Rich pointed out. Last year, the FED issued an interp on a very similar play (except the glove was "red, white and blue" or something) with the same results (three base awards).

That said, this year I would have let the glove go (that is, decalred it legal), using the following case plays:

SITUATION 5: The pitcher is using a fielding glove that is light brown outside and dark brown inside on the pocket of the glove. RULING: This is legal. Only if in U1’s judgment that this is distracting to the batter would F1 not be allowed to play with the glove. (1-3-7, 6-2-1h)

SITUATION 6: The pitcher is using a black fielding glove that has white lettering on it. RULING: If the umpire judges the white lettering on the glove to be distracting, he would instruct the pitcher to replace the glove. (1-3-7, 6-2-1h)

SITUATION 7: The pitcher is using a dark glove that has a white imprint of a baseball on the outside of the glove. RULING: This glove is illegal for use by a pitcher. (1-3-7, 6-2-1h)

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