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Old Wed Mar 24, 2004, 11:20am
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Originally posted by YoungRighty
Here's one that happened last night in a high school game in the Houston area, as reported by the Houston Chronicle (and I picked up the glove colors from a discussion board).

The pitcher was using a multi-colored glove; predominately black with two fingers a dark tan. Hitting team gets a runner on first; next batter bunts a popup to the pitcher, who catches the ball and doubles the runner off first. Batting team's coach then goes out and protests the pitcher's glove. The umpiring crew takes away the outs, awards R1 home and the batter three bases because the batted ball was fielded with an illegal glove.

The umpires are stuck here, to be quite honest, especially if the state recognizes protests.

The rule is clear in FED -- a pitcher's glove, to be legal, must be uniform in color. The pitcher's glove was not legal.

If the umpire discovers the illegal glove, he can order it removed AT ANY TIME. But if the player plays with an illegal glove the offense can appeal a catch made with an illegal glove until the next pitch.

Fielding a batted ball with an illegal glove? Penalty -- offense can take the result of the play or the award, which is three bases (delayed dead) or four bases if the illegal glove prevented a home run.

There is a case play where the pitcher deflects a batted ball with an illegal (too big) glove. The award was the same.

I'm glad I wasn't one of the umpires. And once word of this gets back to the NFHS, expect there to be an exception to this rule.

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