Originally posted by iamaref
Not saying who was right or wrong in this situation. I do remember though.. the NCAA saying.. that officials not enforcing bench decorum will not work the tournament. Isn't this bench decorum ? Also, if knowone ever calls it.. won't the teams gradually start to "blow off" the rule. This puts other teams on notice that this "could" be called, even in a big time game. So likely they won't do it. It's like three seconds... most teams no that it is not a popular call... but, they stay out of the lane.. for "fear" that someone "might" just call it.
Rose worked DePaul/UConn in the second round. I'd be willing to bet he will work again this coming weekend.
Wouldn't be the first time an official got spanked by a conference and still worked deep in the NCAA (Ted Valentine comes to mind).