Technically these are the only times that a non-matching penalty can be non-releasable are:
The first three provisions of the unsportsmanlike penalty
Spearing (A form of the illegal body check penalty)
Illegal cross
Illegal equipment
And expulsion fouls
Now this was not a major problem until this year because you could call it unsportsmanlike conduct and it is just one of the 5 fouls going to the disqualifying. The NFHS has now made it so that two USCs will get the player an expulsion foul. I wish that they also made an intentional personal foul call that would make a slash, tripping penalty, etc, locked in (based on the officials judgment).
Reading the play it seems that there probable was unsportsmanlike conduct on the play that would result in a locked-in penalty (not being there cant say that it was). If it wasnt you could give a 2 or 3 minute slashing call.