Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
By rule it is a T on the flopper, yes, but by practice many officials will simply call a block on the kid flopping.
--Rich [/QUOTE]
This is one thing I have never understood. I am young and maybe that is the problem. If it is in the rule book as a T(letter of the rule) Then why is it called a block (spirit of the rule)by practice? I am guilty of it too just a question.
I really struggled with that during the post-season. At the Sub-state I worked and even the state tournament, I got the impression that there is an unwritten rule not to T a kid or a coach (unless a fight breaks out or some unforseen uncident like that). I know that is off the subject but it just seems like there is so many situations like these out there. If I call the T on a flopper, then I would be scrutinized. I felt the same thing during post season when I let a coach cross the line and didn't T him. It is probably just me but that is the impression I have gotten from several more knowledgable, game tested, older, etc... officials.