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Old Tue Mar 23, 2004, 02:02pm
FUBLUE FUBLUE is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 508

In Indiana, the High School Coaches vote for the umpires that apply to work the state you almost MUST introduce yourself by name. I say it very clearly, and make sure that I state who is working what position. I try to remember all coaches names...I've done enough in this area that unless they are new, we probably know each other. I still do give the introductions though.

I never discuss my zone...people know my's legendary (at least in my mind). If a coach asks a catcher to ask me where a pitch was, then I'll tell the catcher. But coach isn't going to do this every pitch, just the "close ones".

I don't call a coach by name, unless they call me by name. I let them make the first move...that way, it's them wanting to use the names instead of "blue" and "coach".

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