Those who have been on eteamz awhile know that I tend to enjoy a good wizzing contest with coaches on some issues (IP & strike zone being the 2 most recent).
However, even I could tell that thread had no upward possibilities. Roscoe and Coach TD took it right into the tank.
The umpire that was the initial subject of the tread was completely unprofessional, out of line, and should not be calling JO ball.
I once called a 14U rec state tournament for a UIC who complained and moaned the entire weekend how the calabre of play in the tournament was beneath him. I have little doubt some of the players heard his remarks, since he complained so often. I do know his body language when he took the field also made his attidue obivous. He knew it was a rec tournament when he took the job!! I'll never do another tournament for that pathetic, full-of-himself so-called umpire.
Where do we get such umpires? From the same gene pool that produced Roscoe and Coach TD.