Interesting thread...
I think that ump was unprofessional to make a comment on the slow or slower speed pitcher. There is no need to do that.. especially at that age bracket, I doubt there are many fireballs thrown from any pitcher.
The ump aint got nothing on those coaches or whatever they are all up in arms over it... as if the blue's responding to the thread were collectively responsible for the comment of a single blue....
That said... I wouldnt be suprised if one day that comment actually helped toughen that girl up... "show that blue who's who" .. shes not playing the best spot on the field for someone thin skinned and overly emotional. The term "take my ball and go home" come to mind...
I think I'll stay away from that thread... its clearly pile-on bait to suck blues in so they can take their aggressions out on them without fear of getting ejected.