Originally posted by FHSUref
He told me that I am terrible and I need to call more fouls and get in the game. I was taken by surprise and proceeded to tell him that this was volunteer only and that nobody was getting a paycheck.
I am not trying to rip you here, but what does you volunteering to work the game have to do with the comments the coach made to you? By saying what you said, you have implied that you aren't going to work that hard today since you weren't getting paid. My two cents: The coach either earned his first T of the game or the stop sign and "I've heard enough", depending on any previous comments. It doesn't matter whether this was Special Olympics or not.
Originally posted by FHSUref
I know I am angry now but I will have a hard time giving up a friday and saturday next year to officiate special olympics.
Please don't let one bad experience stop you from using your talent to benefit those in need. Those mentally-challenged athletes need you and you're a better person for giving your time to them.
To contrast your experience, I worked our Special Olympics State Tournament last weekend and the first words out of the site manager's mouth to the coaches were: "We aren't going to tolerate any bad-mouthing to any officials by coaches or players today, is that understood?" That set the tone and I never heard a peep for the two games that I worked.