Originally posted by Ballen
Why would you do anything but put the offending player in the penalty box to serve the appropriate time and have a face-off?
I take 7-7 to read that you penalize and face off. Furthermore, I won't have any penalty other than a conduct.
Because I read it to mean that if 7-7 dictates that any fouls after the termination of a period and before the start of the next the penalty is enforced via the spot and procedure of 4-3. Normally 4-3 dictates that a period starts with a face off unless a team has position of the ball at the end of the period during a man down situation.
So if team A has the ball man up at the end of the first quarter they would start the second quarter with the ball in the same relative position. Now team A or B commits a penalty then that penalty is enforced from the spot that would have started the second quarter.