Hawk coach, when the NBA officials blow a rule they get out the check book. I think that will get anyone's attention. I don't know if other leagues do this. If this would have been a NBA official they would have turned the shirts inside out. The call was correct. He had warned them. I can understand him not making the call but why is the burden on him more so than the team? What if he made the same call in his first game this year? Do you know that the players are supposed to be seated also? I have seen two officials address this during a game, Donnee Gray and Dave Libbey. Maybe more have done it but I know plenty haven't.
On another subject, I noticed that there weren't many officials doing the second round that jump around, peak and lean. Most of the guys working the second round games on my TV looked very relaxed and worked for angles. Besides tugging on the pants once or twice or 100 times they just stand there and officiate.