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Old Mon Feb 12, 2001, 10:41am
Roger Greene Roger Greene is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 517
So ASA considers animinals objects, but persons are not objects? (they were an additional classification in the rule quoted) Just a thought. I'm not going to argue that one but it is a bit questionable. We could get into a problem with how big an animinal we consider. How about the large moth in the night game?

I've only seen three times an animinal intefered with a game.
(1) The Lanier's pet buck (a six pointer that fall) jumping the fence and running acrose the infield during a play.

(2) A player's dog trying to chase the ball in the outfield after slipping through the gate.

(3) A diamond back rattler breaking up a double play by slithering out from under second base! (Runner and F6 both abandoned attempt to complete play at same time.)

Talk about third world plays!!!

Roger Greene,
Member UT

p.s. about time. I dont understant the time info. I made that post around 8am EST. I'm just in from a 20 hour shift.
(it would have been 24, except that I took 4 hours holiday to attend a baseball clinic)
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