First, I've read the first couple of posts on this topic, but only scanned the rest, so I apoligize if this is repetitive.
Let's assume that the umpire decides to let his call stand.
Offense officially protests. The protest would be upheld, since the batter-runner was NOT out by rule, and the defense made no play to retire her.
On U3K, the assumption of the NFHS rule book is that the defense is required to know the situation. The umpire is not responsible for DC plays.
The catcher knew (or should have known) this situation, yet the catcher rolled the ball into the infield.
So, the offense protests. The protest is upheld. The game continues from the point of the overturned call.
The umpire, realizing he has misapplied the rule, could (using 10-2-3m as his authority) act as a mini-protest committee and uphold the "protest" against his own call and go from there.
As bad as this situation is, the facts are the BR is NOT out (despite the umpire's call - since this was NOT a judgment call), and the defense is required to know the game situation. Since the BR is NOT out, the game is NOT over. The game must be continued with as fair a resolution as possible.
What would I do? BFOM. But I probably would NOT just allow the game to end. My inclination would be to place the BR on 1st, since the offense was the team placed in greater jeopardy by the call (since the defense knew the "truth").