Like I said, I want some of the ACC teams to stick around. I have Wake Forest going to the Final Four, Georgia Tech winning 3 games, NC State winning three games, Maryland winning another one before falling to Stanford, and Duke winning it all.
The only one I have going out the first weekend is North Carolina, against Texas.
I'm pretty unemotional about filling out a bracket. I've followed Wisconsin quite a bit this season and I have them going out in the third round (although I do have them beating Pitt).
Crap. Double OT in the Dayton/DePaul game. What the heck were the announcers gabbing about -- no way that was a foul at the end of OT. However, it would've been really painful had DePaul lost because of a ball hitting the underside of the scoreboard.
Edited to add: Oh well, I ended up with 4 losses, which is one of the worst first days I can remember in a while. However, it is the first time in a long while (if ever) that I didn't lose any teams I picked in the second round.
[Edited by Rich Fronheiser on Mar 18th, 2004 at 11:23 PM]