Thread: so then...
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Old Mon Mar 15, 2004, 10:30am
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Originally posted by Little Jimmy
In reply to Duke, Fed 9-1-5 states "the courtesy runner is NOT permitted to run as a courtesy runner for the Designated Player (DP), if the DP is batting for the pitcher or the catcher."
True, but that wasn't what he said. This rule applies to when the FLEX is F1 or F2. The DP "bats for" the FLEX, but that doesn't mean the DP gets CR rights. To have a CR, the actual pitcher / catcher must bat and get on base as a result of her at-bat.

Duke said if the DP is playing defense as (not batting for) the pitcher. In this case, the DP IS the pitcher, and she may have a CR.
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