It depends on the context of the game as to whether "you suck" warrents a flagrant T. In my opinion, this would normally be just a regular T, especially if it came out of the blue, but if I'd given a warning or told the kid to knock it off before, I might elevate it to a flagrant T because the kid demonstrated that he can't control himself. I had an 8th grade rec game a couple weeks ago where the coach, out of the blue, yells out that I'm the worst referee in the league (which was funny because I was working that game with a green rookie partner who was still mastering stopping the clock on fouls and violations). I thought about the flagrant T, but I went with the simple T and a very low level of tolerence for the rest of the game. That approach worked for me as the next time I saw him, he apologized for his conduct and I informed him how close he was to being tossed, and he appreciated that I kept him in the game. There is gonna be a certain amount of frustration, cussing me out will get you tossed, but I don't think "You suck" alone in the heat of the game meets the bar.