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Old Sat Mar 13, 2004, 12:13am
ref18 ref18 is offline
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I personally don't have a problem with switching from 2 to 3 whistle for the important games. In a playoff game, it is important to make sure that we've got all angles covered. In my association the people who would do the equivalent to these games all have 3 person training, so i don't feel it would make a difference, in fact, i think it would be a good oppertunity, as instead of only 2 refs working a playoff game, a third now has this oppertunity.

I am also in favour of the precision timing system. Although i have yet to ref with it, i feel that it could solve some problems that may occur with timers. But at that level you usually have the best so it shouldn't matter. Also, the rulebook states that if you are going to use a PTS system the refs better be trained, and that is my only concern, you need 3 guys who have all used the system before.

That's my 2 cents.
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