I'll address the second issue first. Using PT really isn't an issue. if you're unaccustomed to using it, it will take you a quarter to adjust your mechanics, but that's it. Also, the timer is operating the clock just as he normally does. 99% of the time, the whistle will stop the clock so the timer is there in casde the instrument malfunctions. If for some reason, the officials fail to stop the clock, the timer's actions will start it as if PT wasn't being used. So really, PT doesn't create a problem.
Going from 3 man to 2 man is more of an issue. In 2 man, the coverage areas are wider. Officials who normally use 2 man are apt to make more calls out of their area than a crew that is accustomed to 3 man. The mechanics are also different, so there are going to be things that are missed as far as switches and rotations. But most fans wouldn't notice this. IMHO, switching from 2 man to 3 man late in the playoffs is probably NOT a good idea.