Thread: DP/FLEX moves
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Old Fri Mar 12, 2004, 08:29pm
mick mick is offline
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Originally posted by Dakota
Here is the entire scenario that led to my thread "Subs with DP/FELX." I've given away part of my thinking with that thread, but not all.

Your comments / rulings?

Abby, the FLEX, starts at F1
Becca, the DP, bats B4.
Charlene is a sub.
Debra is a sub.

Top of 2nd inning. Abby comes to bat at B4.
Becca out

Bottom of 2nd inning. Charlene enters as F1. Abby on the bench.
Becca still out, Abby goes out regardless of whether Charlene subs for Flex (10) or DP (4).

3rd inning - no changes (B4 does not come to bat)

Top of 4th inning.
Debra comes to bat at B4.

Charlene is out and is history if she subbed at DP (4).
Charlene remains in game if she subbed for FLEX (10).

Q1: Bottom of 4th inning. Charlene takes the field as F1. Debra takes the field as F7.

Legal? Why or why not?

Apparently Charlene had subbed for Flex (10) and remained in game. Debra (DP-4) can play anywhere.

Q2: Alternate Bottom of 4th inning. Abby takes the field as F1. Becca takes the field as F7.

Legal? Why or why not?

Abby legally reenters and Charlene is history.
Becca reenters at DP-4 and Debra is history.

Thank goodness I brought line-up sheets!

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