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Old Sat Feb 10, 2001, 01:05am
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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I have an important evaluation coming up on Monday, and I have been going back through my little notebook, which I write in after each game or set of games. I have a question about how to work with a partner. The guy I will be working with on Monday is pretty good, and I'm not worried about how we will get along. But I had a situation last week which I'd like to avoid in an eval, if possible.

The problem was that because we were switching on every foul, and several fouls in a row were under the basket, I eneded up calling about six fouls in a row. The big problem was that the three in a row on team A were all on the same girl. They were all good hard fouls, and I can't say that I regret any of them, although I took a lot of heat from the coach. But it does look bad, doesn't it? Is there a way for partners to work together to keep this from appearing like a vendetta? Do we not switch once? Or does he call one of them from outside? Do I need to tip him off as we pass on the floor? Or if I'm the partner, do I ask if he wants me to something in particular?
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