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Old Thu Mar 11, 2004, 12:46pm
rockyroad rockyroad is offline
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Re: I'm the sensitive one???

Originally posted by mnref14
Too many softies on this board!!!!!! Yes, Dan - You can partially disect something. And on second thought, if I want to judge someone - I will - even if it makes the softies upset. 19 T's is too many, unless you're working a goofy City Men's League or the NBA. That's my opinion, and I'm most always right. Now I'm stirring the pot!!!!
So over 29 posts in 2+ months, you have told everyone that you're always right, other officials are clowns, etc., etc., and you still wonder why those of us who have been around this board for a while respond negatively to your posts???? If you have clear rules knowledge that someone is wrong, post it and prove it, but coming in here with your "opinions" and spouting off as you have been turns most people's stomachs...
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