OK, if instead of:
"I'm bringing the DP in to pitch and moving the FLEX to F9. My starting F9 will sit out this half inning, but still bat. "
it was:
"The DP is playing defense for F9 and then the FLEX and F9 are switching positions.
not " flex reenter as F9 " because the FLEX can only reenter for DP
and not "bringing the DP in to pitch and moving the FLEX to F9 " because the sequence of DP pitching (which is the FLEX position) replaces the FLEX who would have to reenter as F9 which can't be done.
As I understand the rule, when either the FLEX or DP replace the other, the replaced one is out of the game and the other is one player in both positions (like any regular player).
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.