Officials should be approachable.
Experience will let you know what coaches are approachable.
In three man, I can have a quick chat with a coach during a live ball. Seldom do I chat in two man but will give a quick word or two answer or explanation as I run by. If a coach wants a major discussion about a rule, there should be a timeout.
Tell a coach what you saw, or the way you saw it. Or maybe, "Hey coach, I didn't see it that way" and move on. Do not be afraid to admit to a blown call. Even one of your partner's blown calls without sh*ting on them. "Yeah coach, I may have missed that one" or "coach, my partner may have had a tough angle there, we may owe you one."
That doesn't mean that you will give them one back but you were honest and you defused a confrontation.
When you have discussed it enough, let the coach know. You can tell them, you can hold up your hand to them. Be firm not timid; be serious, don't try and make jokes or be buddies with the coaches.
Have respect for the coach and their position, and earn their respect for yours.
"The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook."?William James