Ok, taking #2 as a stand-alone situation (as I think Little Jimmy intended)...
2. Dp in for flex(F1). Can flex reenter as F9 defensively but not offensively ( F9 still batting in her regular spot?).
We have a lineup with DP/FLEX. FLEX started at F1. Team is going out on defense. Coach approaches PU and says, "I'm entering my DP to pitch for FLEX. And, I want to reenter my FLEX in right field. My starting F9 will still be batting."
I'd say, "Hold on there, coach. Are you sure that is what you want to do?" The move the coach wants to make is legal, but he has unnecessarily burned a reentry for his starting FLEX.
Here is what he should have said. "I'm bringing the DP in to pitch and moving the FLEX to F9. My starting F9 will sit out this half inning, but still bat." You may want to ask a clarifying question, or just accept at face value what the coach said - no one is leaving the game, DP is playing defense for a player other than FLEX, and the batting order remains unchanged.
Cecil, what response were you referring to where you and I disagreed on this situation?