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Old Wed Mar 10, 2004, 09:37am
FUBLUE FUBLUE is offline
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Posts: 508
Originally posted by mrm21711
I know from experience the DP/Flex rule is new this year in Ohio, and the people are busy asking 300 plus questions, many repeats, and dont read the book or case book or anything...they just want to complain and chit chat. Oh well...
DP/FLEX isn't new to Indiana; we were an experimental state last year. The old school guys just don't get it...they think it's stupid basically because they don't understand how to use it right. They don't understand the concept of having "10 starters" instead of "9 starters" and they get really confused with the "going from 10 to 9 and back to 10" concept.

But what can we do. Eventually, as you said, attrition will get the guys who won't change.
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