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Old Wed Mar 10, 2004, 09:27am
Hawks Coach Hawks Coach is offline
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Originally posted by footlocker
Some of you get it. Thanks.
You make a totally off-base post, we all respond to it recognizing the point that Tony was making and telling you that you are off base. At the same time, our posts indicate that most of us recognize the distinctions that you want to make, with many also not wishing to make everything black and white.

The difference is that you come off as absolutist in your posts, the rest of us seem to be more willing to recognize that many different things arise during the course of a season. You can't just look at one indicator (or one game, or one anything) and decide what type of ref a person is. I am not big into the you are either this or you are that treatment of individuals and situations - life is muc more complicated than that. If you want to simplify, then maybe I can put you into a category
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